of the website bodegasaltomoncayo.com
Information for users about the existence of the file and consent request for automatic data processing.- The regulation in force on personal data protection, regarding the personal data provided by the interested parties on the forms enabled on the www.bodegasaltomoncayo.com website, is strictly complied with. Likewise, the data, when provided, will be included in a file that Bodegas Alto Moncayo S.A., (from hereinafter Owner / Editor) is responsible for processing in agreement with the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and on the forms enabled in each case. Interested parties provide their consent to this processing by accepting this privacy policy or by sending information by any of the means provided on the website. Consent to process data of children under the age of fourteen must be provided by the minor’s parents or guardians. Identity data and addresses of parents and guardians will be compiled for this purpose.
Purpose of the data: The Owner compiles certain personal data that are voluntarily entered by users on the forms that exist on thewww.bodegasaltomoncayo.com website. The data are used for the following purpose:
- Manage the information or contact requests made by the users over the website.
Mandatory data entry: Mandatory fields are identified as such with an asterisk (*) or by expressly indicating their need (required). If the compulsory fields are not completed, it will not be possible to manage the request sent by users.
Rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition: Interested parties may, at any time, exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, and revoke the consent provided in each case for the processing and/or transfer of their data, by sending a written request to the Owner at the following address: Bodegas Alto Moncayo S.A., Ctra. CV 606 Borja a El Buste km 1,7. 50540 Borja, Zaragoza, Spain; or sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address:contacto@bodegasaltomoncayo.com. In all cases, a copy of the official document proving the identity of the owner of the data must be enclosed with the request.
Party responsible for processing.- Bodegas Alto Moncayo S.A., whose address is indicated in the clause above, is responsible for processing the data. The Owner has duly registered its files at the Spanish Data Protection Agency and they can be consulted at www.agpd.es.
Data transfer.- Data provided by the interested parties are not transferred to third parties, unless the Owner is expressly authorised to do so, and they are only communicated, where appropriate, to be able to manage the services requested by the users. The data communication is linked to the same purpose for which the data are entered, and therefore related to the free and legitimate acceptance of the existing legal relationship between the interested parties and the Owner, whose development, compliance and control necessarily entail data connection, and which includes the necessary data transmission. By accepting this privacy policy, the interested parties declare they have been informed and consent, without reservation, to their data being communicated under the terms indicated in this clause. Interested parties may revoke the consent given as indicated in this policy.
Participation in the events, activities and workshops identified on the website may entail the processing of the images of those participating in it. The images captured may be published on the website and therefore will be accessible to all other users who access it. Thus, the participants expressly authorise the processing on the website of their own images, or of those of their children or those they protect, under the terms indicated in this clause. This consent may be revoked at any time as indicated in this Privacy Policy.
Users must abstain from providing personal data of other people, unless they are expressly authorised by them to do so. The Owner may contact users at any time for them to prove the existence and content of the aforementioned authorisations.
Security.- The Owner guarantees absolute confidentiality and privacy of the personal data processed, adopting the technical and/or organisational security measures necessary to avoid the alteration, loss, or unauthorised processing of and access to the data, thus guaranteeing their security. The Owner will not respond under any circumstances for incidents that might arise with reference to personal data when these derive either from an unauthorised attack or access to the systems, in such a way that they cannot be detected by the security measures implemented.
Cookies.- The Editor only uses cookies, where fitting, to exchange data through electronic communication networks, or when these are strictly necessary to provide a functionality that forms part of a service of the information society, expressly requested by the user. If the use of cookies does not comply with any of the purposes indicated, the Editor will request the user’s informed consent to use these data recovery and storage devices on its equipment (e.g., via a pop-up window or via a layered information system). The cookies used do not contain personal information that identifies the user. In any case, users may adjust the browser settings so that no cookies are installed or to receive a screen notification every time the installation of a cookie is attempted. They can decide at any time if they want to accept or not. Please consult the Cookies Policy with regards to the installation and management policy on data storage and recovery devices on terminal equipment of the website.
Data veracity.- Users are responsible for the veracity of the data provided and undertake not to enter false data and to amend them whenever necessary.